Sunday, 4 March 2012

Sexy Bollywood Girls

Sexy Bollywood Girls

Katrina Kaif sexy curves, hot picture

Posted: 03 Mar 2012 02:29 PM PST

Katrina Kaif shows her sexy curves in this dress, she really looks hot doesn't she ?

Sophie Chaudhary sexy ass pic

Posted: 03 Mar 2012 02:22 PM PST

Sophie Chaudhary shows her big sexy butt. We are sure that ass of Sophie Chaudhary turned a lot of heads her way.

Kareena Kapoor - size of penis matters

Posted: 03 Mar 2012 02:14 PM PST

Kareena Kapoor believes penis size matters. Some women may secretly want a big penis but would lie that it does not matter but Kareena likes to speak her mind. Saif Ail Khan shold be proud. Kashmira Shah also said that the size of the cock matters to her. Lady Gaga also agrees that penis size matters.

Did Kareena actually say it ? Well, if you read between the lines, yes she did.Karan asked her, "Does size matter?" Even before Bebo could contemplate answering, Imraan butted in, "Please … on behalf of all men, please answer this question for us!" With a smile on her face, Kareena said, "I think to me it does."

Sherlyn Chopra sexy photo - Ass you like it

Posted: 03 Mar 2012 02:02 PM PST

Sherlyn Chopra shows her sexy ass in tight dress, do you love it? 

Bipasha Basu - Sex Scenes are better than smooch scenes

Posted: 03 Mar 2012 01:53 PM PST

Bipasha Basu  saying she is fine with making love compared to kissing scenes.  She also talks on her brief sabbatical from films and why it is important to enjoy her single status right now...

A chirpy Bipasha Basu, on her second trip to Ahmedabad in the last two months, looks refreshing and stands tall in her slender frame. A self-confessed foodie, she admits to "enjoying Gujarati thalis". In a chat she talks on why relationships fall apart today, pressure on women to get married and why she only follows her opinion when it comes to kissing and showing skin on screen...

After a brief sabbatical, suddenly, you have a lot of releases in 2012. It was a personal decision to stay away from films. However, if you ask me 'why', I am not going to tell you.

Do you feel even today there is pressure on women to get married if they have crossed a certain age? There are two kinds of single individuals: Either they are single by choice or just single. I belong to the category of being single by choice. I have been on the other side and have been in relationships since the age of 15. There is no point in rushing into something wrong just to get married. You must know how to take care of yourself and find happiness. Every relationship has its share of attraction initially, but later it boils down to companionship. You need to be alone and be your best companion. Only when you are happy, it's reflected in your relationships with friends. If you have a positive attitude in life, you find your real soul mate. Even if there is a lot of pressure from friends and family to get married, I have to grow beyond these pressures. If you want a baby then there are sperm banks. Personally I still believe in fairy tale romances and know that my soulmate will come to me. I have two married friends and they advise me, 'Bipasha, drag this as long as you can.'

Why are married couples advising singles to enjoy their single status? Why do you feel relationships are more fragile now? In my parents' generation couples were much happier. While mom and I have a lot of similarities, our level of independence is different. A woman today is not ready to take the slightest amount of dirt from a man. Believe me there are meek and calm women who keep all this negativity simmering within and one fine day when they break down, the ugly truth comes out. The equations between men and women have remained the same - men still do what they do, but since women have become independent, they want to follow their hearts as well. When both partners realize that there is no love between them then there is no point to carry on! Forget tolerance, lack of love between couples is resulting in separation after years of togetherness. But having said that, no I am not a feminist nor am I a cynic. But I will definitely take time to choose my soulmate.

You've been friends with costars who're younger than you. I was in a serious relationship with someone who was seven years older than me. I don't mind dating someone between 28-35, but he should be free-spirited and flexible. But I can't date anyone younger than 28. My friends will laugh at me. (Laughs).

You recently made a statement that screen kissing frightens you. But you've done such scenes before. Kissing is a very intimate experience. But kissing is an integral part of movies. I prefer lovemaking scenes where we are wearing these off-shoulder dresses and play acting. It might sound stupid, but kissing scares me.

Vidya Balan naked photo - back, butt sexy

Posted: 03 Mar 2012 01:50 PM PST

Vidya Balan goes naked for men again, showing her creamy sexy back. Don't you just wanna kiss that curve, the butt looks ample and cute.

Priyanka Chopra farts and enjoys the smell

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 01:57 PM PST

Priyanka Chopra farts too, and her gas can be nasty that even she has to close her nose to suppress the nasty, eggy odor. But at times, she also likes to sniff her own fart as we see in the second picture.Just kidding guys but who knows, Priyanka Chopra's fart has its own brand appeal anyway.

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